This Is What Democracy Looks Like: Facing Race 2016, Atlanta, GA

Michelle Alexander (third from left; The New Jim Crow) and other conference attendees listen to a speaker at Facing Race 2016 before the plenary session, "Multiracial Movement for Black Lives." To her right are Isa Noyola (Transgender Law Center) and Alicia Garza (National Domestic Workers Alliance and #BlackLivesMatter), Atlanta, GA, 11 November
I arrived in Atlanta for the Facing Race conference, convened by Race Forward, the day after the presidential election. I spent the next three+ days immersed in a sea of attendees, 2,300 souls, making photographs of events, interactions, and quiet moments to the best of my ability. There was listening, talking, sharing, crying, brainstorming, debating, arguing, connecting—and yes, eating, dancing, and laughing. It was therapy and inspiration.

Michelle Alexander (The New Jim Crow) speaks at Facing Race 2016 plenary session, "Multiracial Movement for Black Lives." Atlanta, GA, 11 November
Please take a look at the photos. This is who we are. Follow the links in the captions to learn about speakers and the organizations they represent. They organize for justice—justice for all, not just some. It was a big tent, so to speak, with all races, ages, sexual orientations, levels of mobility, ethnicities, nationalities, and I was happy and proud to have a place in it.

Racial Justice Leadership Institute at Facing Race 2016, Atlanta, 10 November

Anti-Trump/projustice protesters march from the Hilton Atlanta, site of Facing Race 2016, to CNN Center, 10 November

Anti-Trump protester and bystanders photograph march held during the Facing Race 2016 conference against president-elect Donald Trump, who gave voice to bigotry and encouraged violence during his campaign. Atlanta, GA, 10 November

Woman speaks at anti-Trump/antihate racial justice rally across the street from CNN Center during the Facing Race 2016 conference, Atlanta, GA, 10 November

Rinku Sen, executive director of Race Forward, convenor of Facing Race 2016, opens the racial justice conference, Atlanta, GA, 10 November

Rinku Sen, executive director of Race Forward, convenor of the Facing Race 2016 racial justice conference, greets emcee camil williams before leaving the stage to her, Atlanta, GA, 10 November

Djole Kele African Dance and Drumming Company performs in We The People: Atlanta Remembered, Reimagined & rEvolutionized, on the opening night of Facing Race 2016, Atlanta, GA, 10 November

Micky B vogues during a performance on the opening night of the Facing Race 2016 racial justice conference, Atlanta, GA, 10 November

Soyinka Rahim, conference weaver, moves Facing Race 2016 participants, Atlanta, GA, 11 November

The Praxis Project's Marisol Ocampo speaks and take notes for the group during "Solidarity with Standing Rock" breakout session during Facing Race 2016, Atlanta, GA, 11 November

Facing Race 2016 attendees, Atlanta, GA, 11 November

Keynote speaker #1 (of two) Roxane Gay photographs the audience at Facing Race 2016 for her mom, Atlanta, GA, 11 November

Author, organizer, and educator Chris Crass speaks during the "Multracial Movements for Black Lives" panel during Facing Race 2016 (l to r: Judith LeBlanc (Native Organizers Alliance) and Alicia Garza (National Domestic Workers Alliance and #BlackLivesMatter)

"Multiracial Movements for Black Lives" panel discussion at Facing Race 2016 with (left to right): Chris Crass (author and educator), Judith LeBlanc (Native Organizers Alliance), Alicia Garza (National Domestic Workers Alliance and #BlackLivesMatter), Michelle Alexander (Human Rights Watch), Isa Noyola (Transgender Law Center), and Zon Moua (Freedom, Inc.) , Atlanta, GA, 11 November

Participants in the "Multiracial Movements for Black Lives" panel pose for photos at Facing Race 2016 with (left to right): Zon Moua (Freedom, Inc.), Isa Noyola (Transgender Law Center ), Alicia Garza (National Domestic Workers Alliance and #BlackLivesMatter), Michelle Alexander (Human Rights Watch), Judith LeBlanc (Native Organizers Alliance), Chris Crass (author and educator).

Author Roxane Gay signs books after her keynote speech at Facing Race 2016, Atlanta, GA, 11 November

Rinku Sen, executive director of Race Forward, convener of Facing Race 2016, a multigenerational/multiracial conference, Atlanta, GA, 11 November

Keynote speaker #2 (of two) Jose Antonio Vargas (Define American) takes a selfie with the audience of Facing Race 2016 behind him, Atlanta, GA, 11 November

Protesters take the stage to express opposition to keynote speaker Jose Antonio Vargas (Define American) at Facing Race 2016, Atlanta, GA, 11 November

Keynote speaker Jose Antonio Vargas speaks with Race Forward's Rinku Sen (left), Atlanta, GA, 11 November

Keynote speaker Jose Antonia Vargas poses with admirer at Facing Race 2016, Atlanta, GA, 11 November

Taja Lindley performs with Colored Girls Hustle during a party at Facing Race 2016, Atlanta, GA, 11 November

Facing Race 2016 attendees take a group selfie outside the Friday night party, Atlanta, GA, 11 November

Facing Race 2016 Friday night party, Atlanta, GA, 11 November

Soyinka Rahim, conference weaver, opens the day's events at Facing Race 2016, Atlanta, GA, 11 November

Al Taw'am (Arabic for "the twins") dancers perform at Facing Race 2016, Atlanta, GA, 11 November

Morning breakout session during Facing Race 2016, Atlanta, GA, 12 November

Breakout session during Facing Race 2016, Atlanta, GA, 12 November

Dr. Enas Alsharea speaks at Facing Race 2016, Atlanta, GA, 12 November

Linda Sarsour (Arab American Association of New York) speaks to Dr. Enas Alsharea after the doctor addressed attendees of Facing Race 2016, Atlanta, GA, 12 November

Linda Sarsour (Arab American Association of New York) speaks at plenary session "Where Do We Go From Here?" during Facing Race 2016 (at the far left of the image is Pramila Jayapal, state senator and US Representative-elect, D-WA; on the right side of image is Van Jones, Dream Corps and CNN), Atlanta, GA, 12 November

Van Jones greets admirers after plenary session "Where Do We Go From Here?" at Facing Race 2016, Atlanta, GA, 12 November

Linda Sarsour speaks to conference attendees after Facing Race 2016 plenary session, Atlanta, GA, 12 November

Facing Race 2016 attendees before morning plenary, Atlanta, GA, 11 November